Need Script Formatting Help?

Dr. Format (Dave Trottier) -- that’s me! -- has the perfect prescription for you. The result will be your peace of mind and a screenplay that meets current industry standards. And that’s important! There are a variety of remedies for what ails you.

1. DR. FORMAT TELLS ALL. Both the print edition and Kindle edition of this book contain Ask Dr. Format columns published in Script Magazine from 1989 to the present. Each column has been updated to current formatting standards. Buy the book.

2. ASK DR. FORMAT column. My Ask Dr. Format column is the longest running screenwriting column in the industry (since 1989). It appears in "Script" magazine and also in "Screenplay Scoop" published by Movie Magic. A similar column runs in "Logline," published by PAGE International Screenwriting Awards. All three publications are free.

3. CHAT WITH DAVE. Schedule some time with me for a one-on-one conversation.

4. ASK DR. FORMAT. If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, ask it on my Facebook page or email me. If the question is complex or lengthy, or you need to talk to me, use the following Ask Dave service.

5. THE SCREENWRITER’S BIBLE. Your authoritative source, now in its seventh edition, contains the de facto industry spec formatting guide.

6. SCRIPT EVALUATION. All of my evaluation services include formatting help. For example, my Master Evaluation & Consultation service includes a review of formatting with suggested corrections of each type of formatting error or problem.
